Nothing is more rewarding that a fun shoot when I get to be creative and think through an idea.
This time it was making a little stop motion that actually made it to the final spot. Back before the Holidays I did a Duncan Donuts Cinnamon coffee branded content spot. We had a kitchen and a hands only model and the rest you can see here.
The proping was not really out of the ordinary, but a fun spin on the way Duncan is. I had a good amount of options available to make it look festive and holiday. I knew the back splash by the sink would be in soft focus so only hints of some greenery, lights, and pops of red would work.
First off we shot the stepping out of the recipe, the typical way you would expect when you see a cake being made then poof it reveals all cooked. That was us. Also the look was a little casual messy which has us obsessing over a little pile of cinnamon to see where it looks natural or too contrived. YES no joke here.
To explain stop motion look for the parts of the video where BAKE and JOY come into the shot. What we did was make the words BAKE and SIP out of Cinnamon sticks. Then with the camera running every 8 seconds I would strategically remove in a sequence the letters one by one . When finally edited the editor cuts out the parts with my hand coming into shot and out, so there is a smooth transaction and then they play it backwards ( remember we started with the words finished ) to get the end result of the words being spelled out correctly.
If you are interested in being a prop stylist let me know your questions.
Enjoy !
Stop down to reset for the next shot - and trying to make it “look” clean messy ! LOVE IT