Take dollar store flowers and turn them into an upgraded way to decorate picture frames, vases, or even make napkin rings with them. I keep getting ideas the more I look at these finished flowers. I can see this as a great DIY for weddings, Mother’s day or even Easter. I know I am going to continue to craft with them.
This Project is really simple, and like everything the more you do it the easier it gets.
FIRST - I suggest you get one of those take out containers and a plastic fork. Clean up will be that much easier if you don’t have to scrub your bowl.
SECOND - think about how you want these to dry. I did it two ways, both work depends on what you want to do for your final project. The first time what I did was fill a container with rice so that I could stand them up and allow them to dry with out touching each other. An egg cart could also work if you cut the stems short, it depends on what you are doing. The second time I laid them down flat so I would have a flat side to attach to the frame. Having a flat side is good too.
THIRD - Make the mix. I used 2 parts of plaster to 1 part water but NOTE: you may have to add a lot more water so it is the thickness of heavy cream, or melted ice cream it works best.
FORTH - Put on rubber gloves if you want or not and DIP , Swoosh, swirl around in the mix coating the flower completely also don’t be afraid to open the flower up to look more “real” then lay it flat if that is your plan or stand upright to dry. The plaster firms up quickly in the bowl and will dry in 20- 30 min. I “say” that but I wait a complete 24 hours before I handle mine. You will see what I mean because they may be dry but have a “grayish “ tint to them until 24 hours pass when they look white white.
NOW decorate your Vases, frames, what ever you choose to do with them. And I would enjoy seeing what you did.
Since this is a new “thing” for me : Please share the content with anyone that may enjoy it, and subscribe to my YouTube I am out to get my “NUMBERS “ UP !
THANK YOU ! Happy Making Kris
I made a 15 second YouTube MORE TO COME at normal speed !