NYC is filled with speak easy bars.
We are all too cool... it can't be a bar it has to be a secret bar and one that only a "few " people know about ( lol ) is exactly right a "few" it is humors cause once a place gets good it it no longer well... is a speak easy or cool.
I am sure I sound like a snob or bitch for saying this. I guess I am spoiled living here for as long as I have.
With that there are occasions when PR or marketing come up with a really novel idea. One that makes me stop and say "Nice! well done". This is one of those times when yes intentional pun I am taken off guard.
It's the play off games for Basketball and I find my self oddly walking through UNTUCK on 488 Madison Ave, not shopping for shirts, or clothes for some cute guy, but going all the way to the back to a secret entrance to ...... wait for it ...... the stairs to the stockroom.
As it is now you can get one of these keys that will give you axis to a well stocked bar, several large screen TV's, great couches, and tables for socializing or "working". This is the newest and one of the best ideas I have experienced in a long time. Yes, yes I know I was saying Blah to the speakeasy but the attention to detail and how well it is tucked away makes it great.
So check out it out IF you get a key or contact me I have 2 keys and I am always up for day drinking I mean working from a secret stock room while watching the game.